““A powerful dream experience always feels like divine or angelic communication and so I feel plugged into some ancient knowing… I feel held and always deeply supported. Or maybe I should also say that the insight of a dream can also completely clarify my waking life as if a close friend has just moved the veil from my eyes!”

Dream Groups
Discover the potent power of your dreams
Witness the alchemy and growth that happen when we share our dreams with kindred spirits who care deeply with compassion and join together in a wellspring of support that nourishes us all.
You will learn how to remember, record, and honor your dreams, and use their guidance in your waking life.
You will learn how group projective dream work can help you understand your dreams in a way you may not have been able to see yourself.
You will be guided in how to offer insights in a way that feels supportive, explorative and most helpful to the dreamer by adopting the “if this were my dream” approach.
We value community. Dreams group are sacred circles where both dream and dreamer are honored and through the collective reflections on one persons dream, the whole group learns and takes something away that is useful.
“Kris doesn’t just visit the realm of dreams, she lives it out in full colour.
Her relationship with her own dream-maker/soul has been directly informing and guiding her life . She is passionate about this work, crucial to what it is to be fully human. She is entirely committed to it and also a beautifully skilled facilitator of this work and of groups.
If you find yourself drawn to deepen your intimacy with your dreams. If you find yourself interested in amplifying the messages from the deep.. if you find yourself longing to connect more meaningfully with this medicine, work with Kris.”

7-Week Dream Course
“I have recently joined a dream circle with Kristin as our facilitator and have been completely amazed and delighted by the experience. It wasn’t anything I was expecting but ended up being so much more! Although I keep a dream journal I’ve never worked collaboratively with others. Kristin was such a kind and insightful guide through the whole process.
If you are at all curious about what dream work can bring to your life I highly encourage you to work with Kristin and open up a whole new world of riches. You won’t regret it.”
Coming THis Spring!
$239 | 7 Sessions
Ready to explore your dreams?
What you will learn:
how to recall and record your dreams
how to work with dreams, symbols and archetypes
how to work with difficult dreams and nightmares
dream incubation practices
how to offer insights that are supportive and most helpful to the dreamer
how to bring your dreams forward into your waking life
dreams and creativity
Each week, the first hour will be devoted to teaching and discussion, the second hour will be spent working on dreams and deepening in the practice of group work.
“Dream work brings me into a deeper connection and conversation with the unseen. More fluent in the language of the soul/spirit. I feel more awake, alive and open to life, centered in what feels real. It is like the cultural story right now is what is unreal and putting everyone to sleep.
I find that contrast interesting”

Shine the light of awareness within and watch the magic of your life unfold